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Compost and Seed Giveaways

A Girl Scout Gold Award Project

Vegetable Farm
Picking Cauliflower

Getting Started

According to the USDA, 30-40% of food in the US is wasted each year. As food and organic waste rots in landfills, methane is released into the atmosphere, contributing to the ever-increasing issue of global warming. As a community, we need to collectively reduce the disconnect that we have with our food which perpetuates the idea that food is a disposable resource. To do this, we must rebuild the broken relationship that we have with our food by creating a cyclical system of growth and decomposition. Please join me in an effort to make Culver City more sustainable and make gardening an accessible practice for students, teachers, and local residents alike!

This Initiative Was Created by a Local Girl Scout

Ava has always been extremely passionate about environmental sustainability. Growing up in Culver City has furthered her passion for combatting food waste, as she has seen the issue across her schools, neighborhood, and even in her own home. In her junior year at Culver City High School, she decided to combine her devotion to the environment and love of gardening into her Girl Scout Gold Award Project.

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